psych and facets blog

Psychology and its facets

Psychology can interpret the darkest corners of the mind and the vast expanse of organizational development.

Woman sitting on couch talking
Woman sitting on couch talking

Psychology is defined as “the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context.” Our minds and behaviours are split between our personal and work lives. Within the field of psychology, we can use branches such as behavioural, clinical, cognitive, industrial, developmental and counselling psychology to help us better interpret and understand the complexities we face every day. Let us delve deeper into a few of these branches of psychology to better understand how they can benefit us.

Am I depressed? Depression test

Industrial psychology

Group hug
Group hug

Very Well Mind speaks of the ability to use the understanding of ourselves and each other to increase productivity and performance in the workplace. Also known as organisational psychology because it is based so heavily on businesses and organisations to enable them to function better as a whole from human resources to ergonomics and beyond.

Industrial psychologists are able to give career advice and guidance which offers individuals a good port of call, especially during our current economic climate. We live in a society where new jobs and career paths are appearing all the time. No longer are your options simplified to lawyer, doctor, or firefighter- thank goodness! Industrial psychologists can point out your niche through a series of simple aptitude and intelligence tests.

Job placement and description can be of major benefit to an organisation. An Industrial psychologist compiles job descriptions for certain roles and then finds the ideal candidate for that position. This kind of continuity leads to a better working environment and team, with less frustration and uncertainty. Defining roles can be an opportunity to add value both for a company and the development of an individual.

Clinical psychology

Woman taking notes in notebook
Woman taking notes in notebook

The American Psychological Association describes clinical psychology as rooted in the understanding and care of mental and physical health. As with all fields of psychology, clinical psychology is multi-faceted as it deals with human beings and their cognition. We are complicated beings and we are all unique, thus it is important that any approach to helping a fellow being is just as unique.

Clinical psychologists as opposed to counselling psychologists are also able to prescribe medication alongside therapy. Patients who see a clinical psychologist when they are deep into their depression can benefit from this approach as antidepressants ensure the patient feels well enough initially to continue with therapy. Moving through emotional states to heal and prosper will then hopefully deem the medication unnecessary after a few sessions spent with the psychologist.

Obesity and diabetes are in the range of physical symptoms and conditions calling for psychological and clinical assistance. Clinical psychologists are able to give well-rounded care to these patients dealing with their emotional and medical needs at once. Similarly, patients who are ageing and have physical incapacities or ailments can rely on a standing appointment with a clinical psychologist. They assist with mental struggles such as the question of after-life and coming to terms with leaving behind family while also controlling the intake of medication and a mixture of medicines.

Counselling psychology

Counselling psychology. Therapy session sitting down
Therapy session sitting down

This is seen as the most standard form of psychology and is possibly the most well-known. In its simplest form, a counselling psychologist is there for the mental and physical well-being of a patient. Well-being is the optimal outcome and state of a patient when seeing a counselling psychologist.

Some of the topics which counselling psychologists deal with are relationships, adjustment to new environments such as workplace or schools, personal growth and goals, trauma, depression, anxiety disorders, stress management, mental disorders, and loss to name a few.

The American Psychological Association explains that the strategies used to treat patients involve group or family psychotherapy, public workshops for mass intervention and prevention, crisis and disaster management, as well as one on one interpersonal sessions to guide an individual through his or her issues and fears.

In one way or another, almost all humans can benefit from the advice and insight of a counselling psychologist. Most of us live a lifestyle scattered with turmoil, hurdles, and hardships. We often do not have the time to attend to these difficulties. Having a session once a week or biweekly for a period of a few months to face these difficulties with a counselling psychologist can give new meaning to ordinary life.

In summary

We often face a roadblock in life that is hard to manoeuvre due to our lack of skill in that area or because we are overwhelmed. Psychologists are the point-men for these scenarios and we should feel compelled to draw on their expertise more often. See and book the extensive list of varied psychologists represented on Conrati here.

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